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Read Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton Novel Full Chapters


    Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton Novel - As the shadows lengthened within the corridors of Harborview Hospital in Janctera City, the air in a particular room carried the antiseptic tang of cleanliness. Sean Hamilton lay in his hospital bed, weakened by the steady drip of an IV. He turned his gaze to Nadine Scott, his mother, and whispered, Mommy, I miss Daddy.

    Fever had flushed Sean's cheeks, and his lips were pale and cracked. Nadine responded with a gentle smile, her fingers tenderly caressing his forehead. Sean, darling. Daddy is busy with work right now. But Mommy is here with you, okay? Nadine then moistened a cotton swab in warm water and delicately dabbed at Sean's chapped lips.

    But Sean's insistence grew stronger. He shook his head, saying, No! I want Daddy, I miss him. Mommy, can you please call Daddy and ask him to come? Tears welled in his eyes as he pleaded, and Nadine felt her resolve waver. Her heart wrenched knowing that tears would follow if she refused.

    Nadine and Brad Hamilton had been married for five years, and for those five years, Brad had harbored nothing but hatred for her. His animosity even extended to Sean. Even if she called, Brad wouldn't come, and his absence would only deepen Sean's disappointment.

    Description of Novels

    Title: Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton

    Author: -

    Publisher: Webfic

    Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

    Genre: Romance

    Language: English

    Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton Novel

    How to Read Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton Novel

    The novel entitled Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton is very exciting to read. You can read this novel through the Webfic application which you can download on the google play store by searching for "Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton" in the search menu for the Webfic application or directly open here.

    After opening the link above, later you will be directed to the safelink site, please scroll down, wait a moment, and click the Read link, then you will be directed to the official site of this novel.


    Well, that's the review and how to read the Please Give Me Another Chance, Mrs. Hamilton Novel. This novel is a novel that is suitable to read for those of you who like Romance genre novels. What do you think about this novel? Is it fun to read? Please comment in the comments column on the website below.

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